Englisches Lektorat
English Editorial Services

- Über 20 Jahre redaktionelle Erfahrung.
- Lektorats- und Korrekturleseoptionen zugeschnitten auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse.
- Garantierte Lieferung des Manuskripts zum vereinbarten Termin.
- Over 20 years of editorial experience.
- Services include a range of editorial and proof-reading options based on your specific needs.
- Guaranteed delivery of the manuscript by the agreed-upon deadline.
- Junker, D. (2023). Germany and the USA 18712021. Heidelberg University Publishing.
- Böller, F. and Werner, W. (Eds.), (2021). A Hegemonic Transition? Reconfigurations of Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump. Palgrave.
- Leypoldt, G. and Berg, M. (Eds.), (2021). Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society. transcript-Verlag.
- Wendt, S. (2020). The Daughters of the American Revolution and Patriotic Memory in the Twentieth Century. University Press of Florida.
- Gerhard, U. (2019). Mega Cities or Slumdog Cities? The Challenges of Doing Comparative Urban Research in Global Urban Society? In: Geographische Zeitschrift 107, 3, pp. 188208.
- Wendt, S. (Ed.), (2018). Warring over Valor: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Rutgers.
- Wendt, S. (Ed.), (2016). Extraordinary Ordinariness: Everyday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain, 18002015. Campus.
- Esswein, H. and Kiwitt, T. (2012). The Stuttgart Region's Landscape Park. In: Urban Research & Practice 5, no. 3.
- Endler, T. (2012). How to Be a Superpower. Barbara Budrich.
- Berg, M. and Wendt, S. (Eds.), (2012). Globalizing Lynching History. Palgrave.
- Endler, T. (2011). After 9/11. Barbara Budrich.
- Junker, D. (2023). Germany and the USA 18712021. Heidelberg University Publishing.
- Böller, F. and Werner, W. (Eds.), (2021). A Hegemonic Transition? Reconfigurations of Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump. Palgrave.
- Leypoldt, G. and Berg, M. (Eds.), (2021). Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society. transcript-Verlag.
- Wendt, S. (2020). The Daughters of the American Revolution and Patriotic Memory in the Twentieth Century. University Press of Florida.
- Gerhard, U. (2019). Mega Cities or Slumdog Cities? The Challenges of Doing Comparative Urban Research in Global Urban Society? In: Geographische Zeitschrift 107, 3, pp. 188208.
- Wendt, S. (Ed.), (2018). Warring over Valor: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Rutgers.
- Wendt, S. (Ed.), (2016). Extraordinary Ordinariness: Everyday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain, 18002015. Campus.
- Esswein, H. and Kiwitt, T. (2012). The Stuttgart Region's Landscape Park. In: Urban Research & Practice 5, no. 3.
- Endler, T. (2012). How to Be a Superpower. Barbara Budrich.
- Berg, M. and Wendt, S. (Eds.), (2012). Globalizing Lynching History. Palgrave.
- Endler, T. (2011). After 9/11. Barbara Budrich.
- Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
- Landkreis Esslingen
- Publikmacher Janus Oertwig
- dotty edition
- Ludwigsburg University of Education
- Landkreis Esslingen
- Publikmacher Janus Oertwig
- dotty edition publishers
Übersetzungen - von Deutsch auf Englisch
Translation Services - German to English
- Englisch als Muttersprache.
- Mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in einer Vielzahl von Sprachkontexten.
- Persönliche Übersetzung aller Texte.
- Garantierte Lieferung des Manuskripts zum vereinbarten Termin.
- Native Speaker of English.
- Over 20 years' experience in a wide variety of language contexts.
- All texts are personally translated.
- Guaranteed delivery of the manuscript by the agreed-upon deadline.
- Kulturamt Stuttgart
- Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
- Karl Wörwag Lack- und Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co KG
- Film Commission Region Stuttgart
- Heidelberg Center for American Studies
- Inductoheat Europe GmbH
- Verband Region Stuttgart
- Klett-Cotta Verlag
- Eye of Science
- Landkreis Esslingen
- MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH
- dotty edition
- Niama Film
- Delta-R GmbH
- Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg
- KECK Kunstverein e.V.
- Schwenk Film
- Publikmacher Janus Oertwig
- Department for Culture, City of Stuttgart
- Ludwigsburg University of Education
- Karl Wörwag Lack- und Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co KG
- Film Commission Region Stuttgart
- Heidelberg Center for American Studies
- Inductoheat Europe GmbH
- Verband Region Stuttgart
- Klett-Cotta Publishers
- Eye of Science
- Landkreis Esslingen
- Media and Film Society Baden-Württemberg mbH
- dotty edition publishers
- Niama Film
- Delta-R GmbH
- Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg
- KECK Kunstverein e.V.
- Schwenk Film
- Publikmacher Janus Oertwig
- Sass, S. (2021). Text Production 2: The Writing Process. AKAD University Press.
- Hermenau, A. and Sass, S. (2021). Text Production 1: Text Patterns. AKAD University Press.
- Hermenau, A. and Sass, S. (2021). Text Comprehension: Goals and Techniques of Active Reading. AKAD University Press.
- Hermenau, A. and Sass, S. (2021). Language and Text: Introduction to Text Comprehension and Text Production. AKAD University Press.
- Sass, S. (2014). Swaying the Nation: Campaign Narratives in the 2008 Presidential Election. GO Publishers.
- Sass, S. (2014). No Country for Old Visions. In: Grabowski, M., Kozák, K., and Tóth, G. (Eds.) The United States as a Divided Nation. Peter Lang.
- Sass, S. (Ed.). (2012). The World Is Flat - Excerpts. Diesterweg.
- Sass, S. (2010). Blue. In: F. Höllerer and J.B. Joly (Eds.), Lexikon der Sperrigen Wörter. Merz&Solitude.
- Sass, S. (1998). More Than These Few Days. Edition Solitude.
- Sass, S. (1997 - 2002). Poetry and prose in Manuskripte, Sprache im technischen Zeitalter, Trans Atlantic, Stuttgarter Nachrichten.
- Sass, S. (2021). Text Production 2: The Writing Process. AKAD University Press.
- Hermenau, A. and Sass, S. (2021). Text Production 1: Text Patterns. AKAD University Press.
- Hermenau, A. and Sass, S. (2021). Text Comprehension: Goals and Techniques of Active Reading. AKAD University Press.
- Hermenau, A. and Sass, S. (2021). Language and Text: Introduction to Text Comprehension and Text Production. AKAD University Press.
- Sass, S. (2014). Swaying the Nation: Campaign Narratives in the 2008 Presidential Election. GO Publishers.
- Sass, S. (2014). No Country for Old Visions. In: Grabowski, M., Kozák, K., and Tóth, G. (Eds.) The United States as a Divided Nation. Peter Lang.
- Sass, S. (Ed.). (2012). The World Is Flat - Excerpts. Diesterweg.
- Sass, S. (2010). Blue. In: F. Höllerer and J.B. Joly (Eds.), Lexikon der Sperrigen Wörter. Merz&Solitude.
- Sass, S. (1998). More Than These Few Days. Edition Solitude.
- Sass, S. (1997 - 2002). Poetry and prose in Manuskripte, Sprache im technischen Zeitalter, Trans Atlantic, Stuttgarter Nachrichten.
Literarische und Akademische Stipendien
Academic and Literary Writing Grants
- Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Promotionsstipendium
- Künstlerhaus Edenkoben Literarische Stpiendien
- Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Literarische Stpiendien
- Akademie Schloss Solitude Literarische Stpiendien
- Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Doctoral Degree Scholarship
- Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
- Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
- Akademie Schloss Solitude
- The U.S. Presidential Election 2020, Volkshochschule & Kreisparkasse, Esslingen, 7. Oktober 2020.
- „Die politische Landschaft in den USA nach der Wahl“, Volkshochschule & Kreisparkasse, Esslingen, 14. November 2018.
- Podiumsdiskussion: „Trump in Trouble? Die Halbzeitwahlen: U.S. Kongress als Zwischenzeugnis für Präsident Donald Trump“, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 30. Oktober 2018.
- „Fake News Wie man sie erkennt und interpretiert“, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum und Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Stuttgart, 25.Oktober 2018.
- „Die politische Entwicklung der USA in den letzten 40 Jahren“, Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Schorndorf, 11.Oktober 2017.
- The U.S. Presidential Election 2020, Volkshochschule & Kreisparkasse, Esslingen, October 7, 2020.
- „Die politische Landschaft in den USA nach der Wahl“, Volkshochschule & Kreisparkasse, Esslingen, November 14, 2018.
- Podiumsdiskussion: „Trump in Trouble? Die Halbzeitwahlen: U.S. Kongress als Zwischenzeugnis für Präsident Donald Trump“, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg, October 30, 2018.
- „Fake News Wie man sie erkennt und interpretiert“, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum und Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Stuttgart, October 25, 2018.
- „Die politische Entwicklung der USA in den letzten 40 Jahren“, Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Schorndorf, October 11, 2017.
- Podiumsgespräch: „Vor-Wahlsonntag: Fakten, Forschung, Fakes“, Haus der Geschichte, Stuttgart, 17. Septermber 2017.
- Inauguration Day: 2017, d.a.i. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen, 20. Januar 2017.
- Election Night: 2016, James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart, 8. November 2016.
- Presidential Campaigns Best Of: Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Palais, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 25. Oktober 2016.
- „Wer hat Angst von Donald Trump?“, Rotary Club, Kirchheim unter Teck, 25. Juli 2016.
- Swaying the Nation: Campaign Narratives in the 2008 Presidential Election Buchvorstellung, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 19. Juli 2016.
- Words Apart: The Campaign Narratives in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election:
- Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus GmbH, München, 9. Juni 2016.
- Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz & die Technische Universität KaiserslauternLandau, 7. Juni 2016.
- Carl-Schurz-Haus, Freiburg, 26. April 2016.
- Deutsch-Amerikanische Zentrum/James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart, 6. April 2016.
- The United States as a Divided Nation: Past and Present Buchvorstellung, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 20. Januar 2016.
- No Country for Old Visions paper, 6th World Congress of the International American Studies Association, Szczecin, Polen, 3.-6. August 2013.
- Countdown for Obama Podiumsgespräch, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 30. Oktober 2012.
- Words Apart: The Campaign Narratives of Barack Obama and John McCain in the 2008 Presidential Election, Präsentation, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2012.
- GAINING THE NATION: Campaign Narratives and Their Use in the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections. Conference, Ruhr PhD Forum in American Studies, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, 2012.
- The Obama Presidency: Will there be a Second Term?” Podiumsgespräch, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2011.
- Podiumsgespräch: „Vor-Wahlsonntag: Fakten, Forschung, Fakes“, Haus der Geschichte, Stuttgart, Septermber 17, 2017.
- Inauguration Day: 2017, German American Institute, Tübingen, January 20, 2017.
- Election Night: 2016, James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart, November 8, 2016.
- Presidential Campaigns Best Of: Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Palais, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, October 25, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
- „Wer hat Angst von Donald Trump?“, Rotary Club, July 25, 2016, Kirchheim unter Teck.
- Swaying the Nation: Campaign Narratives in the 2008 Presidential Election book launch, July 19, 2016, Heidelberg Center for American Studies.
- Words Apart: The Campaign Narratives in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election:
- June 9, 2016, Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus GmbH Bavarian Center for Transatlantic Relations, München.
- June 7, 2016, Atlantische Akademie Rhineland-Palatinate & the Technical University Kaiserslautern.
- April 26, 2016, Carl-Schurz-Haus, Freiburg.
- April 6, 2016, Deutsch-Amerikanische Zentrum/James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart.
- The United States as a Divided Nation: Past and Present book launch, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, January 20, 2016.
- No Country for Old Visions paper, 6th World Congress of the International American Studies Association, August 3-6, 2013, Szczecin, Poland.
- Countdown for Obama panel discussion, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, October 30, 2012, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Words Apart: The Campaign Narratives of Barack Obama and John McCain in the 2008 Presidential Election, Presentation, 2012, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
- GAINING THE NATION: Campaign Narratives and Their Use in the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections. Conference, 2012, Ruhr PhD Forum in American Studies, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen.
- The Obama Presidency: Will there be a second term?” Round table, 2011, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Zur Person
- Geboren in North Dakota, USA.
- Bachelor-Abschluss in Literatur und Film an der Universität von Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
- Auslandssemester an der Universität des Baskenlandes, San Sebastian/Donostia, Spanien.
- Englischlehrer in San Sebastian/Donostia, Spanien.
- Master und Promotion in Amerikanistik an der Universität Heidelberg, mit einer Arbeit über die Wahlkampfnarrative der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2008.
- Leiter der Schreibwerkstatt am Heidelberger Zentrum für Amerikastudien, Universität Heidelberg.
- Stellvertretender Leiter des American Junior Year at Heidelberg Auslandsstudienprogramms.
- Dozent an der AKAD University, Redakteur, Übersetzer und Autor, Stuttgart.
- Born in North Dakota, USA.
- Bachelor's degree in literature and film from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
- Attended study abroad semester at the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian/Donostia, Spain.
- English instructor in San Sebastian/Donostia, Spain.
- Received a Masters and Doctoral degrees in American Studies at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, writing on the campaign narratives of the 2008 US presidential election.
- Director of the Writing Workshop at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
- Assistant Director of the American Junior Year study abroad program, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Instructor at AKAD University, and an editor, translator, and writer, Stuttgart, Germany.